Having posted recently about my sordid romantic past memories and thoughts have plagued me. So i thought i’d share something that is very sweet to me and brings a tear to my eye every time i read it. It was written to me by an ex-love. Such a sweet and wonderful man. And so intelligent and imaginative to boot. i hope it makes you smile at least a little bit when reading it.
“Your eyes are closed, flickering sometimes as you see, the images of dreams that only you can see. I stand by your bed and watch you. I wonder what goes on behind the veils that are inaccessible to me. A flicker of a smile touches the corners of your lips and I try to catch it, trying to hold it in place with a kiss. The kiss ends and the smile fades but the light on your face remains.
I sit by your side. Do you feel my hand through your hair? Do you feel my breath on your neck? You shift in your sleep and I withdraw my hand, lest you wake, but the dreams seem to keep their hold and the Sandman has done his job well.
I whisper…telling you how beautiful you are as the moonbeam steals through the window and lights your face. I envy it, I try to hold it back with my hand, but it slips through my fingers and caresses your face. It kisses your lips and I am jealous.
I get up and walk across the room, draw the curtains across the window..”No one can kiss those lips but me” I say. You mumble…like you sometimes do, to mock me and turn away.'
I feel a bit cross and step to your bed thinking I would shake you. How dare you mock me, but then I see your face, like a child hiding in the dark playing a game of hide and seek. I throw my hands in the air and give up. “It’s not fair,” I mumbled. “You always do that to me. Get me all ruffled up and then get away without even a sorry.”
I sigh a soft sigh. “I know this battle I’ve lost. You are your dreams prisoner and I am yours.” I kiss your forehead and pull your blanket to your chin. You sigh just a little sigh and snuggle up within.
Slowly I creep to the door, backing away a step at a time, every breath I take says “I’ll be back again when you close your eyes. Everyday, every time.”
I blow you a kiss as I reach the door. “Sleep well my love and dream of me, dream well and dream sweet. Dream of love and magical things that may come to be.”
I close the door as I slip out and upon it I place a kiss. “When you wake love, after your sleep, you shall come running and open the door. The sun will shine, the birds will sing and you…will…remember…this.”
*sighs softly and wipes a tear* Such sweet sweet memories. i hope that just once in your life you have a memory like this that can make you cry and smile and fill you with joy all at the same time. Blessed be my friends. You’re in my heart always.
That is lovely.