While i was playing around tonight on Facebook and through chat and various other silly entertainments online, i went to my trusty YouTube favorites list. i realized as i looked through the choices i had saved as favorites over the past couple years that if one decided to look into that folder they would almost exactly be able to tell to the date what might have been going on in my life at the time because of the choice of videos i saved at that time.
So i thought, why not give those of you who care an insight into my mind a wander through my emotional baggage as it were both good and bad. Brace yourselves it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!
The list starts 7 years ago with…
Always a good therapeutic set of songs is Evanescence to me. When i feel trapped or useless or just plain fed up with the way my life is going at the time i almost always pull out these never fail videos and get a little musical therapy.
Heading down the list of songs you come upon some southern gospel stuff that i have always been engrossed in. David Phelps and Guy Penrod are quite simply some of the most powerful male singers i’ve ever heard and they give me chills with some of their work. Below is a sample…i hope you might take a listen and not be hampered by the fact that it is southern gospel music. Truly wonderful stuff.
As you continue on a meandering journey through my musical history over the past few years, you run into a song that my loving husband has often sang to me. The words are super cute and hold a beautiful message about how it matters not what a person looks like, but that the person they are inside makes them beautiful and worthy of love.
Continuing on it seems for awhile the only videos i saved were ones that made me laugh or ones that others have given to me to watch that i found interesting or amusing. The next is one such video. Given to me by SodomyoftheLash one night when Wwe were hanging out in chat. It fits both bills, amusing and interesting.
For some reason after those videos, there is a whole host of Doctor Who inspired videos that i do not remember saving. *eyes her husband* Though i have to say this one is one of my favorites and i listen to it every so often. Figured i’d add it as well for those of Yyou out there who are Doctor Who fans like myself. *winks*
Following that, a couple of years ago i was handed this video as well. Funnily enough by Lash also. LOL And so began my love affair with Nightwish and Tuomas (the sexiest keyboard player ever to live in my humble opinion).
About a year ago, i was very certain my marriage was ending. After four years it seemed as if it were slipping through my fingers by degrees with every day that passed. And so this is one of the songs that i could not seem to get out of my head during that time.
Quite the rollercoaster of emotions huh? *grins wickedly* It gets better. LOL Trust me.
About 8 months ago, the actress, Britney Murphy passed away. For some reason her passing touched me profoundly. She always seemed like such a nice girl. Was a lovely actress and wasn’t in the media’s critical eye overly much like so many you see today. So i was compelled to look up my favorite memory of her on screen.
You’ll notice throughout that some of the videos are not the actual video of the songs they represent. That is because of a couple of reasons. The first being my laptop is rarely loud enough for me without headphones and sometimes when someone makes a video like this the sound is louder than the original artistic rendering. And secondly, because to me the words in a song make the song. They are what matter most to me. So the lyrics are an asset, i do not care whether or not the cinematography was excellent or not.
But i digress…as we continue on we come to the time in my very recent past when i was experiencing some very low emotional times on this coaster that is my life. This song seemed to sum up my situation perfectly. i hope it touches you should you choose to listen to it.
Then we come upon a selection of music that has been my theme tune for awhile now. Very poignant and true to life i think for me at this point.
It’s amazing to me that you can see the differences in my moods and the emotional state i was in during these times simply from the music that touched me inside. For the last of the songs on my favorites list are all happy songs. Songs like Travie McCoy’s “Billionaire” and Black Eyed Peas “I Got A Feeling” and the infamous Katy Perry song i’ve been obsessed with lately.
These songs themselves can give me a better understanding into myself and my mental state as it were, because if i were not feeling better emotionally, or feeling more secure and stable and settled in a lot of ways i would not be picking happy lil fun songs to listen to, as you can see from above.
So in closing, friends, i hope that i have at the very least amused you for a time. Perhaps introduced you to a new song or group. Or even made you stop and think of your own musical choices and what they say about you at that time in your life. Music is something i cannot bear to live without and i am thankful to have had the opportunity to share a glimpse into myself with you today.
Good songs. :)
ReplyDeleteyou just like the cotton candyy boooobies! *grins wickedly*