Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Ronan!!!



As today is my son’s 2nd birthday i find myself drifting back over his birth and the days following that event. Both of my children were conceived in a surprising manner. Both have become the driving force of my life.

i had both of my children via c-section. Planned from the get go for delivery (Thank the good Lord. LOL). my second pregnancy seemed to be much easier than my first. No bed rest, no strange testing that had to be done to insure he was alright. Normal in the grand scheme of things compared to my first go around.

The delivery was a bit scary, because he was already headed down the birth canal when they got me in, so he had swallowed a bit of the nasties and wasn’t breathing when they took him out and started cleaning him off. He wasn’t moving. That’s one of the only things i remember in the midst of the chaos of surgery and the insane itching i was dealing with from the aftereffects of the spinal block. He wasn’t moving.

i made hubs go over and check out the situation because it was a scary scary thing for me to look over and see him flopping around completely lifeless. But they sorted it out and he seemed fine. A healthy 8 lb 12 oz baby boy. Oh what a sweet thing.


That night, they brought him to me and i snuggled down, turning the lights out and just snuggling my new bundle of joy, drifting off to sleep with him in my arms. Amazed at the fact that i was blessed with such a wonderful little boy. Suddenly i noticed that he was moving in a strange way. So i watched him for awhile concern growing as he continued twitching in a manner that was contradictory to normal newborn muscle twitches.

It lasted only moments, but i mentioned it to the nurse. Of course i was told i was just being overprotective and that he was fine. He did it again a day or two later while my husband was holding him. And again we were told we were being silly. It was not until the day we were scheduled to check out of the hospital (some five days later) that he apparently started the same twitching while being held by one of the nurses.

And so they spent a lot of time, a lot of worry and a lot of scary times working on him. Spinal taps, EEG’s, every test known to man to figure out the cause of the seizures they finally admitted he was having. He was moved to the NICU and hubs and i were moved to another part of the hospital and allowed to stay for free, given a food voucher and the whole nine yards.

They took very good care of him. And of us. Was a scary time in my life though for certain. They made noises about him being a drug baby. And i had to take drug tests. They talked about keeping him for months and things of that nature. Was the hardest time i’ve ever been through before.


After a few days they determined there were no reasons for his seizures and they hadn’t continued on from that day we were supposed to leave (nor have they resurfaced to date). They finally let us go home. i have to say though that taking my boy home to his sister and his loving family was the best feeling i’ve felt in a long long time.

i am insanely overprotective of him and i pity the woman who eventually tries to grab his heart. i think i am going to make Raymond’s Mom on Everybody Loves Raymond look like a cake walk compared to me. LOL i love both of my children. Don’t get me wrong. They are the light of my life.

So in closing, i’ll say Happy Birthday Baby Ronan! Mommy loves you dearly. And wishes you only the best in your life. Today, even though i know that you don’t understand it i hope in some unconcious part of your psyche you are able to smile and take a few moments and just revel in the love surrounding you in this, the beginning of your second year of life.



  1. May each step you take bring you only to the happiest moments of your life, may each stumble be small and as painless as possible. Stand tall little boy, the world is yours, may all you strive for be within reach of your grasp.

    many blessings

  2. awwwe stac! How wonderful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing a part of your story with us. Time flies so fast doesn't it? Contratulations to all of you.

  3. Babyyy Ronan! Love this post! Those pictures are gorgeous! Beautiful memories, Mom. Thanks for sharing. xoxo

  4. Gosh, how awful to have your first days with your new baby marked by so much worry and concern. This reminds me of my own birth story . . . I stopped breathing a few hours after I was born, and spent quite a bit of time in NICU after that, so I have heard from my mother what an awful time it was. I am glad that there was a happy ending in store for you and your little one.

    Happy birthday, little Ronan. What a handsome little man you are.

  5. awww thats sweet hun, such a cutie
