Saturday, January 1, 2011

ladybug ladybug…



   i’ve decided that today is a good day to tell the people in my life how much they mean to me. And i would be a wretched creature if i did not tell this wonderful lady just how much she has come to mean to me.

   Never before have i met a woman like her. i really do not know what i ever did before she came into my life. i believe in my heart of hearts that without her i would be a complete wreck. she is there for me EVERY time i need her. Without fail, she holds my hand, soothes my hurts and tells me like it is.

   she has opened my eyes to so many things. Taught me countless things about myself and the Lifestyle as well. she has opened me up to endlessly imaginative ideas and possibilities. And through it all she does it with a smile and a laugh.


   Oh the laughs. i do not think i have ever laughed as much with anyone i’ve ever met as i do with this lady. we cannot be in the same vicinity without ending up cracking up every other minute. i’ve even gotten in trouble because of the laughter from time to time. *grins* All of those times, are precious to me and i would never trade them for anything.

   her presence in my life simply makes it sparkle. her friendship is priceless to me. Something i would surely perish without. To imagine a world without my ladybug is to see a dark and dreary place without color or laughter or hope.

   If you’ve not had the opportunity to get close to this woman, if you’ve not the the blessing to count her among your intimate circle of friends then you are truly missing a vital piece to your puzzle i am sure of it. This beautiful lady lights up every room she comes into and touches every life she passes by.


   So to you ladybug, i say thank you for being my special sister. you are more family to me than most i’m related to by blood. i cherish you in every conceivable way & i love you more than words can ever say. i look forward to many many years in the future of laughter and companionship and light with you by my side. Happy New Year ladybug! i love you! XOXO

sisters of the heart



   Sometimes in life we are blessed with amazing people who truly make our lives better simply by being close to us. Sometimes we are fortunate in the people we come to hold dear to our hearts.

   i have been blessed in such a way on more than one occasion. Here though, i’d like to tell you about one in particular.

   we met what seems like a hundred years ago. A chance meeting in a chat room. we became friends. Slowly our friendship blossomed. And for the next four years became closer. There were times when we did not speak for extended periods of time, but not because we did not care or because of any harsh feelings…simply because it was not in the stars for us to do so. i believe that in my heart.


   During a very difficult time in my life in 2010…my Master asked me if i knew of any submissives out there worth their salt…and at the top of a VERY short list was this lovely lady’s name. Because Yyou see…my Master had released me at the time. And when He asked me that question, He was trying to make me hate Him so that i could heal easier. (Or so He thought at the time) But i took His question to heart and the only name i offered up at the time was this girl. Because…well…i knew it had to be someone VERY special in order to be worthy of His attention.

   she is a blessing and a beautifully bright shining light in my world. A lot of changes have occurred since that time and we are now chain sisters, both collared to Him. He is her Daddy and she His babygirl. Tthey are beautiful together they really are. And as i look at Tthem i realize i made the right choice.


   Never before have i come across one as giving, and caring, and compassionate, and truly unselfish in their demeanor as my sister. she constantly puts others before herself. Always worrying about how this person or that person is going to take a new development or situation before focusing on her own worries and fears. she continuously checks on me to make sure that i am okay and that things are going well in my life.

   Truth be told, she runs herself ragged trying to appease everyone and trying to make sure that everyone in her life, from family to friends to online acquaintances are truly happy.


   i cherish every moment i get to spend with her and look forward to the day i am able to wrap my arms around her and hug her so tight. my arms ache with that longing.

   So to you sister, i say…i love you and i am so very happy that you came into my life. you make Him happy, and that is what my goal has been from day one. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Words can never describe the depth of emotion i feel for you. Happy New Year honey. XOXO

i knew i loved You



   i know that my Master does not like to have Himself blasted in blogs. i think Wwe Aall know that. i know that He has both asked me not to and given me permission to write about whatever i wanted to write about in my blog, including Him more than once. i know that i probably should not say some of the things i have roiling around inside of me in an open forum, because it tends to have the opposite effect that i desire when i do.

   But i also know that if i do not blog about this subject then i am going to let this blog go and just stop trying. i mean, have you ever had a topic on your mind and no matter what you do you can’t push it away in favor of other topics? i seem to be that way more and more as the years pass. Just become like a dog with a bone and cannot let something go until it is sorted out fully.

   So saying that, i hope that this blog pleases You Master as that is all Your slave has every hoped to do.


   i knew i could love You from Oour first real encounter. i knew that You could come to mean everything to me from the first time i sat at Your feet and felt Your fingers in my hair. i knew in my heart of hearts that You could be everything i had ever dreamed of in a Master and then some from the first time Wwe shared Oour viewpoints on the Lifestyle Wwe chose to live.

  When Wwe first got together, before anyone knew anything about it, i wrote in my profile about this wonderful Man. i’d like to see if i can recapture that magic again.


   i have been in this Lifestyle for nine, almost ten years now, and in that time i have dealt with many different types of people. Dominant and submissive alike. i have been collared a few times through those years and in all that time i have always held back, never truly being fulfilled because of my fear or my trust issues. i have never fully given myself to Anyone. Until i met my Master.

   i have been collared by the most amazing Man. He is wonderful and tender, sweet and genuine, loving and true. And at the same time He is harsh and strict, giving me the structure i NEED to truly feel like a slave. He has a no nonsense way about Him that just soothes all the chaotic insanity that rushes through my brain every time i turn around.

Picture 35

   His compassion and strength seem to know no bounds. Which makes me feel safe and secure (no pun intended) in myself and in Him. There is something about Him that triggers my need to submit, and my drive to open up completely. There is something that only He has possessed that has made the slave fire inside of me burn more brightly than it ever has before. And because of Him and all that He is, i am growing more and more everyday in my slavery. Opening myself up in ways that i never thought possible.

   It is a heady experience to know that you are truly safe, and protected and loved. That no matter what comes your way Someone else will be there to take the load and either share it with You or remove it from You completely and take it onto Themselves. It is an amazing feeling for me to be able to truly rely on Someone else fully. To know that i can call out to Him “Master?” and KNOW deep down inside i will hear back “I’m right here babydoll.” It is something that is hard for me to explain to those who don’t know, but to be assured of those things makes me relax and calms my inner demons to such an extent i can almost just close my eyes and drift into a peaceful sleep from the level of relaxation i feel.

   This Man has touched me in ways that even i am astounded by. He has opened so many doors for me. He has given me such promise of a future that i never thought possible. With Him as my guide and compass, knowing He is my strength gives me purpose beyond being a Mother. It allows me to be a woman, and a slave to a wonderfully Dominant Man.


   So to Him i say…thank You Master, for everything You are, everything You’ve helped me become and everything You represent for my future as a slave. i am eager to sit at Your feet and know that when all my options are taken away i am safe in Your embrace. i dream of the day i feel Your breath against my skin and Your hand in my hair. my heart longs for the time when i am able to serve You fully and without reservation.

   Your slave loves You to distraction, and revels in the knowledge that she belongs to You for as long as You consider her worthy of Your ownership. Happy New Year Master! Here’s to a bright and shining 2011! XOXO