Monday, November 22, 2010

A True Sense of Thanksgiving



   This time of year is a good time for reflecting back on the year that we've had. As i look back on 2010 the mind spins remembering so many things that happened this year. A roller coaster of emotions to be sure.

   For me, 2010 was a year that introduced 2 very very special people into my life. As well as bringing me closer than i ever imagined to still another. It has given me new friends, new enemies. It has turned out to be both fantastic and tragic both.


   i am thankful for so many things...i think it is easier to try to lay them out in a cohesive format as opposed to trying to jumble them altogether.

1. i am thankful for the health and well-being of my beautiful children.
2. i am thankful for the freedom of living in my own apartment again even if dinner is pb&j some nights. *winks*
3. i am thankful for my wonderful Master, Who has come to mean more to me every day that i'm His & Who luckily decided i was worth a second chance.
4. i am thankful for my sweet chain sister...without her i wouldn't stay sane some days. Love you sis.
5. i am thankful for my very dear friend Hetaera, who never holds anything back, and who loves with the fullest heart i've ever seen. You have been a light in my darkest times ladybug, i'd surely be lost without You.
6. i am thankful for all of my wonderful, bizarre, zany, hilarious & genuine friends. Yyou mean the world to me. Truly Yyou do.
7. i am thankful that not all decisions are set in stone and Wwe are free to change Oour minds.
8. i am thankful for forgiveness and the ability to forgive.
9. i am thankful for my romantic heart.
10. i am thankful for what little patience God bestowed upon me when He created me. For without it, i would be in a heap load of trouble. *grins*

   Just a few things to be thankful for. i won't drone on incessantly about the rest. i hope that this holiday season, those of Yyou Wwho read my blog from time to time will sit down and think back on Yyour lives & realize how very much Wwe Aall have to be thankful for.

   Blessed be my Ffriends and loved Oones. May Yyour Thanksgiving be filled with sweetness & light and prepare Yyou for the Christmas to come. *winks*

Sunday, November 21, 2010

my wish for Yyou…



   i have contemplated over the last while what i wanted to blog about. Many of the topics i came up with were either petty, or too obtuse or too personal on a one on one level.  So, i was sitting here today, listening to some music, and i realized that there is one song that can sum up at least part of what i want to say to those in my life that mean the most to me. To those that have in the past or do to this day touch my heart and my life every single day simply being being in it.

   So this is for Yyou…Master, tauryn, Hetaera, Mahalalel, courtesan, noxie, kittenz, Felix, Stone & bliss…From my heart to Yyours, i hope that it means as much to Yyou as it does to me when i hear it and think of Yyou.


I hope the days come easy & the moments pass slow, & each road leads Yyou where Yyou want to go.

And if Yyour faced with the choice & Yyou have to choose I hope Yyou choose the one that means the most to Yyou.

And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope Yyou keep on walkin’ til Yyou find the window.

If it’s cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile. But more than anything, more than anything…

my wish for Yyou is that this life becomes all that Yyou want it to. Yyour dreams stay big, Yyour worries stay small. Yyou never need to carry more than Yyou can hold.

And while Yyou’re out there gettin’ where Yyour gettin’ to, I hope Yyou know somebody loves Yyou & wants the same things too.

Yeah this is my wish.

I hope Yyou never look back but Yyou never forget all the ones who love Yyou and the place Yyou left.

I hope Yyou always forgive and Yyou never regret & Yyou help somebody every chance Yyou get.

Oh, Yyou’d find God’s grace in every mistake & always give more than Yyou take. But more than anything, more than anything…

my wish for Yyou is that this life becomes all that Yyou want it to. Yyour dreams stay big, Yyour worries stay small. Yyou never need to carry more than Yyou can hold.

And while Yyou’re out there gettin’ where Yyour gettin’ to, I hope Yyou know somebody loves Yyou & wants the same things too.

Yeah this is my wish.


   i love Yyou Aall in very real and different as well as special ways. Blessings to Yyou always. Yyou will forever be in my heart.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Beware of who Yyou Trust


   my friends, enemies, and the ever growing list of frenemies…i am afraid i have some bad news for Yyou. Among Yyou resides a traitor…the worst sort of vermin that Yyou could ever hope to be associated with. They call themselves real…a true friend…always giving you advice and being there when you need a shoulder to cry on…constantly right there waiting for you if you need help in any shape or form. They lull you into a false sense of companionship and soothe you with kind words when you are down. While all the time they are plotting behind your back.


   i am here to warn Yyou of this wretched creature, for they don’t even deserve to be called a human being. This individual will remain nameless in my blog, but they know who they are and as they read the words about them they cannot help but recognize themselves herein.

   This person pretends to love you and care for you as a real and genuine confidant, when in fact they are doing everything in their power to bring you down. They constantly spin tales about you and those you hold dear. They act like they are really your friend when in all actuality they are spreading lies and taking any and everything you might say and twisting it to meet their own needs.

   On top of that, they fabricate stories. Continuously telling falsehoods about you that make people judge your character and think you a fraud and a fake. When in all truth, the fake and the fraud, the one that should be stamped with a large T in the middle of their forehead is them. Not you. For you are not the fake or the traitor, but them. Down to the marrow of their bones.

   You take your time and you spend your precious energy on their problems. You offer them kindness and friendship. Holding their hand when they weep, tending to the bruises that life seems to heap upon this individual and all the while they are stabbing you in the back.


   i have tried to figure out why this person would do such a thing. Especially to someone they claim is SUCH a good friend, and the only thing i can come up with is that their life is so wretchedly disappointing and sad that they can do nothing but breed discord and distrust in others wherever they go. i have contemplated why this person has so few friends and i believe it is because of this behavior. That people throughout time have been used and hurt and beaten down by this cretin and can take it no longer and so extricate themselves from their sordid affairs.

   When i think that i actually felt bad for this “friend”, that i actually cried with them over their heartbreaks and tragedies…when i remember the things i shared with this evil little person…it sickens me. It truly does.

   i suppose we all have to learn from the mistakes in judgement that we make and move on to live and fight another day. So to that person, i say this…be off, be gone, i’m done with you. you’ve no place in my life any longer. you don’t deserve to breathe the air that i breathe. Keep my name out of your mouth because we are through.


   To the rest of Yyou i hope that Yyou are careful and i hope that Yyou don’t ever make contact with this imbecile because Yyou will sorely regret it if Yyou do. Be well Aall.